Photo: Liisa Ketonen, make up & styling: Maikki Karhia
Satu Lidman, born 1973 in Helsinki.
Independent scholarand non-fiction author, senior researcher at Tampere University ERASE GBV.
2019– Member of organizing committee Helena Ranta Forum.
2018–2020 researcher at Social Inequalities and Discourses of Violence.
2017– Board member Lyömätön Linja Espoossa.
2016– Board member Historioitsijat ilman rajoja – Historians without borders.
2016 Researcher at Amnesty International in Finland.
2010–2015 Post-doctoral researcher/specialist/university research fellow & several positions of trust (Faculty of Law, Legal History, University of Turku).
2013− Adjunct professor History of Criminal Law University of Turku, Faculty of law.
2011–2014 (chair 2013–2014) board member Matthias Calonius -seura ry.
2010− Founding member of the series and member of the editorial board (2010–2019) Crossing Boundaries - Turku Medieval and Early Modern Studies.
2009− Adjunct professor History of Law and Crime Department of Law, University of Eastern Finland.
2009− Amnesty International in Finland Joku raja! -network (Stop violence against women).
2008–2009 German language teacher The Open College of Jukola.
2007−2010 Examiner of Finnish Prehistory and Middle Ages The Open University of Eastern Finland.
2007−2009 Member of the editorial board The Finnish network for history Agricola.
2004−2007 Member of the editorial board Lähde − historiatieteellinen aikakauskirja (PR and information).
2003−2005 & 2007 Full time doctoral student (The Finnish Graduate School of History).
2003−2009 Board member Society for Medieval Studies Glossa (PR and information).
2001− Researcher Department of History, University of Eastern Finland.
2001−2009 Annual lecturer (University of Eastern Finland, Department of History & Department of Law, teaching Palaeography, History of Crime, Medieval History and Europe after Reformation).
2000–2001 History teacher The Junior High School of Sipoo.
2005−2008 Doctor of Philosophy (University of Joensuu, Faculty for Social Sciences and Regional Studies). Doctoral dissertation: “Zum Spektakel und Abscheu. Schand- und Ehrenstrafen als Mittel öffentlicher Disziplinierung in München um 1600“. For more information click ”Thesis”.
2001−2005 Licentiate of Philosophy (University of Joensuu, Faculty for Humanities).
1994−2000 M.A. (University of Joensuu, Faculty for Humanities).
Major: History. Minors: Social Sciences, Theology, German and Russian & the subject teacher's training.
1993 graduation (Rudolf Steiner School, Helsinki).
Turku Network for Research on Multiculturalism and Societal Interaction.
Historioitsijat ilman rajoja – Historians without borders.
TUCEMEMS – Turku Centre for Medieval and Early Modern Studies.
Suomen Tietokirjailijat ry – The Finnish Association of Non-fiction Writers.
Historian Ystäväin Liitto – The Finnish History Association.
Keskiajan tutkimuksen seura Glossa ry – The Society for Medieval Studies in Finland.
SETA ry – LGBT Rights in Finland.
Sukupuolentutkimuksen seura SUNS ry – Sällskapet för genusforskning.
Amnesty International in Finland.
Oikeuspoliittinen yhdistys Demla ry.