Photo: Hanna Oksanen
I am independent scholar and adjunct professor (history of criminal Law, University of Turku Faculty of Law). My doctoral theses (2008) analyzed the system of public shaming in the Duchy of Bavaria at the turn of the 16th century. My central research interests include gender and violence in historical and present-day contexts of criminal law, human rights and attitudinal change, especially intimate-partner violence, sexual violence and honour-related violence.
About my new book Taivas ja syli (Gaudeamus, 2020).
Read my blog (in Finnish): Väkivaltakulttuurin perintö.
Follow me: @pastpresentviolence, ERASE GBV, Collective Gendered Violence from Preventative and Punitive Perspective, Social Inequalities and Discourses of Violence, ResearchGate and on Twitter #Väkivaltakulttuurinperintö #taivasjasyli #väkivaltaistaminen #violencediscourses #EraseGBV
Did you know?
Book of the Week – Helsingin Sanomat 5.10.2019.
The Safety 2019 Award (Vuoden 2019 Turvateko) – Helsinki shelter association (Pääkaupungin turvakoti ry).
Candidate for the Academic Book of the Year– 2015 Suomen tiedekustantajien liitto & Tieteellisten seurain valtuuskunta.
My latest English book: Gender, Violence and Attitudes. Lessons from Early Modern Europe (Routledge, 2018).
Interviews and media clips (in Finnish): Helena Ranta Forum 2020 (30:30–), Docventures (vieraiden esittely, #metoo-keskustelu, radiolähetys), Yle Aamu-tv (#metoo), Ajantasa (13.30–), Kultakuume, Yle radiouutiset (5:35–), Kultakuume, Aurora-lehti, Helsingin Sanomat, Sverigesradio, Aamu-TV, Souli.
Lectures on demand (30-90 min.):
Find out more: Historians without borders
Book me: Lukukeskus,,Luennoitsija or contact directly: satu(at) / satu.lidman(at)