Previous publications (in English) linked to the research project


Satu Lidman:


Gender, Violence and Attitudes. Lessons from Early Modern Europe. Routledge 2018, 192 p.


Violence or justice? Gender-specific structures and strategies in Early Modern Europe. The History of the Family, Volume 18, Issue 3 (Special Issue: Domestic Disturbances, Patriarchal Values: Violence, Family and Sexuality in Early Modern Europe), Routledge 2013, 238–260.


Shaming for honour. Women and Early Modern Legal Culture in Courts and Homes. Shame between punishment & penance − the social usages of shame in the Middle-Ages and Early Modern Times, ed. Jörg Wettlaufer & Bénédicte Sère. Micrologus Library Vol. 54, SISMEL - edizioni del Galluzo 2013, 309–328.


Country Report Finland, in: Study to map the current situation and trends of FGM in the 27 Member States and Croatia for the European Institute for Gender Equality. Study contracted to Yellow Window Management Consultants, Belgium 2013, 83–88.


For the complete list of Lidman's publications please see



Tuuli Hong:


Discourses on Honour-Related Violence in Finnish Policy Documents. Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research. Routledge 2014, DOI: 10.1080/08038740.2014, 1-16.



Lidman and Hong, joint publications:


Collective violence and honour in Finland: a survey for professionals. Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research 2018.